[ACTIVITY] Hong Kong Apparel Machinery Association New Year’s Dinner [2/9/2024] [ACTIVITY] 旧日的足迹力辉针车 [1/11/2024] [ACTIVITY] “Promoting Hong Kong’s new technology of environmental protection and intelligent clothing machinery in the Mainland China and Vietnam markets” Vietnam Saigon Textile and Garment Industry Exhibition. [5/6/2023] Promoting Hong Kong’s new technology of environmental protection and smart clothing machinery in the Mainland China and Vietnam markets [4/6/2023] [ACTIVITY][EXHIBIT] 30 Nov – 3 Dec Japan International Apparel Machinery & Textile Industry Trade Show Highlights [12/2/2022] [ACTIVITY][BULLETIN] The association organized members Hoi Fung, Koon Shing, Diamond, Sui Sang and Lee Hoi to visit Lui Seng Chun’s guided tour. The members expressed that they learned more about Lui Seng Chun’s deeds and benefited a lot. Due to the epidemic, the second guided tour is on January 5th. Members include Kenlen, Kwok Hing and Ngai Shing. The quota is limited. Please sign up now. [12/29/2021] [ACTIVITY] Our founding consultant, Juki (Hong Kong) Ltd., held a new product show to introduce new digital products and professional production line improvement solutions. [12/29/2021] [ACTIVITY][EXHIBIT] The “Hong Kong Pavilion” of the Hong Kong Apparel Machinery Association will participate in the China Int’l Sewing Machinery & Accessories Show on September 26-29, 2021. [7/14/2021] [ACTIVITY][EXHIBIT] The “Hong Kong Pavilion” of the Hong Kong Apparel Machinery Association has participated in the Greater Bay Area Int’l Textile & Clothing Industry Fair on March 17-20, 2021 Photo Snapshots [7/14/2021] [ACTIVITY] The Greater Bay Area Textile & Clothing Machinery Industry Market Expansion and Exhibition Experience Sharing Session [4/14/2021] [ACTIVITY] 协会会员出席由香港生产力局举办的 “在中国大陆市场推广香港智能制衣机械的崭新技术” 项目简介会 [11/2/2020] [ACTIVITY] HKAMA visits Mitsubishi Electric Automation (Hong Kong) Ltd. [10/7/2020] [Activity] Donation of our own brand name face masks to Juki [8/4/2020] [ACTIVITY] Association Spring Festival Gala 2019 [2/19/2019] [Activity][BULLETIN]「一带一路」国家推广香港制衣机械的宣传计划」项目简介会 [10/3/2018] [Activity][EXHIBIT] 协会于9月11-14日组团参观2018 台湾国际纺织暨制衣机械展 [9/15/2018] [Activity] 协会夏季大旅行──广州「白水寨」两天团 [8/24/2018] [Activity] 「21st anniversary of establishment of HKSAR」 [8/1/2018] [Activity] Garment Fashion Practitioners Association—72nd Anniversary Celebration Party. [7/29/2018] [Activity] FITMI First time attending the sixth meeting of the Eleventh Council [7/16/2018] [Activity] FTU 70th Anniversary Celebration [5/2/2018] [Activity] 会长与邵生交流国内缝制零部件供应缺货问题及会务心得 [4/30/2018] [Activity] 參觀「2018中國(深圳)國際品牌內衣展覽會」 [4/21/2018] [Activity] 清洁生产伙伴计划 [4/21/2018] [Activity] 香港衣车协会颁发第二届会董会委任状 [4/21/2018] [Activity] 制衣机械及纺织制衣业清洁生产研讨会 [4/18/2018] [Activity] Antique Sewing Machine Showcase [4/17/2018] [Activity] 2018-19年度《财政预算案》资助计划优化措施简介会 [3/12/2018] [Activity] 会董会团拜及迎新会 [3/12/2018] [Activity] 1月27-28日永奕有限公司新张暨鸿达制衣机械有限公司乔迁,并举行两天的产品展示会 [2/1/2018] [Activity] 「深圳市缝制设备行业协会」会员大会 [12/17/2017] [Activity] 2nd Annual Dinner (2017) [12/14/2017] [Activity] 博愛慈善文物行 [12/10/2017] [Activity] 善德遠足百萬行 [11/19/2017] [Activity] 豐盛‧博愛x老夫子慈善跑 [11/12/2017] [Activity] 粤商会首次参观古董衣车收藏馆 [6/14/2017] [Activity] “香港智能及自动化制衣机械馆” 第二轮摊位抽签 [1/10/2017] [Activity] 2017年香港馆“智能先进制衣机械及自动化系统”介绍会 [12/16/2016] [Activity] 香港衣车协会周年大会 [11/28/2016] [Activity] Macau Daily Trip [9/24/2016] [Activity] 参观国兴古董缝纫机收藏馆 [9/10/2016] [Activity] 首访中山顺德参观厂企 [9/2/2016] [Activity] The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Public class (Textiles and Clothing) [8/26/2016]