Author Archives: sallyyau123

[BULLETIN] 香港衣车协会展览宣传片邀请函

দুঃখিত, এই এন্ট্রি শুধুমাত্র 繁體 তে উপলব্… 繼續閱讀

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[BULLETIN]Hong Kong Apparel Machinery Association donated its own production masks to social welfare organizations, the Kei Yam Family Services Center, the Hong Kong Christian Restaurant Ministries, the Blessing Life Association, the Kei Yam Alliance Church, the Ngau Tau Kok Swatow Baptist Church, The Beauty of Grace Foundation, the EFCC Amazing Grace Church, the Causeway Bay Baptist Church and the Christian Perfect Church. The association contributes little effort to fulfill social responsibilities.

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[BULLETIN] HKAMA supporting for the FBL Project Entitled “Development of Virtual Fitting App for Disabled People”

21 August 2020 Hong Kong Apparel Machine… 繼續閱讀

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[Activity] Donation of our own brand name face masks to Juki

2020年7月28日,协会会长陈江凤仪, 副会长金兆平送上自家制口罩, 捐赠重机(香港)有限公司, 重机(香港)转赠美国及日本分公司, 在这艰难时刻, 大家互相守望, 共渡时间。 JUKI 株式会社常部董事阿部裕致信协会, 表达了对协会衷心感谢及持续友谊。 Continue reading

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防疫用品供应通告 各位会员,您们好!   本会备有3M口罩/N95口罩/洁水液/… 繼續閱讀

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【商贸观察】针车会组队夏日游珠三角 足踏文明古迹品尝美食佳肴

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[প্রদর্শনী] Saigon Tex 2019 will be held at the Saigon Exhibition & Conference Center (SECC) from April 11th to 14th.

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[কার্যকলাপ] Association Spring Festival Gala

18 February, 2019. Association Spring Festival Gala 2019. Continue reading

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中國廣州市番禺區興南大道902號板橋商務大廈606室電話:(86-20) 289… 繼續閱讀

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[কার্যকলাপ] Association members visit local sewing and parts distribution centers──Mirpur Tower

Association members visit local sewing and parts distribution centers──Mirpur Tower Continue reading

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